
Elevating Kiwi Orchards for Maximum Yield.

Kiwi Orchard Tipping

At 𝐍𝐙 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 ®, we are pleased to introduce our specialized Kiwi Orchard Tipping Service, a meticulous approach to canopy management designed to enhance the overall health, Vigor, and productivity of your kiwi orchard. This service focuses on strategic tipping to optimize sunlight exposure, air circulation, and fruit development, ensuring your orchard achieves its maximum potential. What are the services including:

  • 1. Tipping for Canopy Control: Tipping involves the careful removal of the upper portions of kiwi vines, allowing for better control over canopy height. Our skilled horticulturists precisely trim the uppermost shoots to manage the overall height of the vines. This technique facilitates improved sunlight penetration and enhances the efficiency of subsequent management practices.
  • 2. Enhanced Sunlight Exposure: Tipping is instrumental in maximizing sunlight exposure to the lower parts of the canopy. By allowing sunlight to reach deeper into the vines, we promote even fruit ripening and enhance the overall quality of the yield. This strategic approach contributes to increased sugar content and desirable flavor profiles in the harvested fruit.
  • 3. Tipping for Lateral Growth: Tipping involves the removal of the growing tips of lateral shoots, encouraging lateral growth and bushier canopies. This technique is particularly beneficial for orchards where a more compact and dense canopy structure is desired. Tipping enhances fruit distribution and supports the development of well-balanced and productive vine architecture.
  • 4. Improved Air Circulation: Tipping go hand in hand to create an orchard environment with improved air circulation. This is crucial for reducing humidity levels within the canopy, mitigating the risk of fungal diseases. Our focus on enhancing airflow supports the overall health of the vines, preventing the development of conditions conducive to diseases.
  • 5. Disease Prevention and Early Detection: Our Tipping Service is not only about canopy management but also serves as an opportunity for early disease detection. By closely inspecting the trimmed portions, we can identify and address potential disease issues before they escalate. This proactive approach contributes to the long-term health and sustainability of your kiwi orchard.

For any further information and queries call us at +64 20 4173 2204