Putting Up String Poles

Elevating Kiwi Orchards for Maximum Yield.

Putting Up String Poles

Our comprehensive "Putting Up String Poles" service is tailored to elevate your kiwi orchard management to new heights. Recognizing the pivotal role that proper support structures play in fostering healthy vine growth and maximizing yields, our dedicated team specializes in the strategic installation of string poles. From precise spacing to expertly erecting the poles, our service ensures a robust framework for the vertical development of kiwi plants. By availing our service, orchard owners can expect an organized and efficient system of support wires that not only guides the growth of vines but also optimizes sunlight exposure, promoting vigorous and fruitful cultivation. Our commitment extends beyond the installation process, as we emphasize the importance of a well-structured orchard canopy for improved air circulation and disease prevention. Choose our "Putting Up String Poles" service to invest in the long-term success of your kiwi orchard, where expertise meets efficiency for a thriving cultivation environment.

  • 1. Structural Support: String poles provide a sturdy framework for supporting the vertical growth of kiwi vines, preventing them from sprawling on the ground and facilitating efficient management.
  • 2. Optimized Sunlight Exposure: Properly spaced and erected string poles enable the strategic deployment of support wires, ensuring that each vine receives optimal sunlight exposure. This promotes healthy growth and enhances fruit development.
  • 3. Efficient Canopy Management: The systematic arrangement of string poles allows for the effective training and guiding of kiwi vines, contributing to the creation of a well-organized canopy. This facilitates ease of orchard management, including pruning and harvesting.
  • 4. Reduced Disease Risk: Elevating kiwi vines through string poles improves air circulation within the orchard canopy, reducing the risk of diseases by minimizing humidity and promoting a healthier growing environment.
  • 5. Pest Management: String poles help raise fruit-bearing vines, making it more challenging for ground-dwelling pests to reach and damage the fruit. This contributes to improved pest management in the orchard.
  • 6. Enhanced Harvesting Efficiency: With kiwi vines supported by string poles, harvesting becomes more efficient and less labor-intensive. The elevated position of the fruit simplifies the picking process, reducing the risk of damage during harvest.
  • 7. Long-term Orchard Success: Investing in a professional "Putting Up String Poles" service is an investment in the long-term success of the kiwi orchard. It establishes a solid foundation for healthy vine growth, optimal fruit development, and overall orchard productivity.
  • 8. Expertise and Precision: Engaging our service ensures that the installation of string poles is carried out with expertise and precision. Our team understands the specific needs of kiwi orchards, offering customized solutions tailored to the orchard's unique conditions.

For any further information and queries call us at +64 20 4173 2204